Website Housekeeping Duties – It Sucks But You’ll Be More Awesome

Okay, if there is one thing that I hate, it is housekeeping duties, but you have to do it. Seriously, do these and your site will be more awesome, and you know what happens when your site is more awesome … it makes you more money.

Here is a list of things to check on your site(s):
- Ensure that your copyright has been updated to 2021. Don’t be lazy, get it updated. What? Yours was 2014? I knew it!
- Check your redirects. Take out everything in the URL bar except for your domain dot com. Does it redirect to the secured version of your site? Does it default to either the www version or the non-www version, but not both?
- Re-read your Privacy statement and make sure the information still applies.
- Re-read your Terms of Use (if applicable) and make sure the information is still needed.
- Review your Contact page and verify that all phone numbers, fax numbers (you still use a fax?!?!), and mailing addresses are correct.
- Run Screaming Frog and look at the Title tags – are they compelling, strong, click-rich, etc.? If not, rework them. Instant traffic and conversion increase!
- Look at Broken Link reports in aHrefs, check all the 404 errors, and fix them with either a new page or a 301 redirect to a page on the same topic. Do NOT do redirects to your home page. Don’t be a lazy POS.
- Check the pages in the Google index: Clear out duplicate content pages and update or delete/redirect stale pages.
And if you ask me if I can help you do this, I’ll just answer…
Rock on.