Kitchen Table Copy 2025 Edition

The Story That Started It All...
One evening years ago, things were running late at the office. I had just printed about a dozen landing pages from competitor sites in a new market I was researching. I still needed to review them, so I threw them into my briefcase and went home.
Things were a little crazy at home, so I went to the only room that was semi-quiet: the kitchen. I pulled the competitor landing pages out of my briefcase and spread them onto the kitchen table.
That's when it hit me.
Each landing page was selling the same thing but in a different way. As I stared at the pages scattered across my kitchen table, something clicked. I grabbed my Sharpies and began marking what I liked and didn't like. That's when things started to take off. I quickly began to see two or three landing pages developing in my head. With some headline rewrites and content patches, I put all the pieces together and created a killer landing page.
This discovery reminded me of what my grandfather, Golden K. Driggs, former Vice-President of New York Life, always said:
"Dominating a market is rather simple: Spend half of your working time studying your competition and the other half doing it better."
- Golden K. Driggs
The "Golden" Process
And he did it by putting his competitors' hard work and testing to work for HIM (and the competition never even knew what happened)!
And what's amazing is that I was ONLY 10 YEARS OLD when he taught ME this lesson. That summer he bribed me a silver dollar to go through a huge stack of magazines. Whenever I found an ad from a certain company, I had to put a colored paper clip on the page. That's it. Pretty easy, even for a 10-year-old.
After an entire day doing this, my hands looked like an abstract painting. (See, they hadn't invented colored paper clips yet. I had to "make" my own. :)
Finally, when I was bored to my breaking point, my grandfather showed me why he kept me cooped up inside on a beautiful summer day. Too bad it wouldn't make an impact on me until nearly 30 years later.

But YOU Can Take Advantage Right NOW!

Grandpa said that companies that advertised in the same magazine month after month HAD TO BE making money - or else they would quit paying for expensive advertising, right?
So by studying only the repeating ads, you only had to figure out how to make those winning components work for your business. Combining winning elements from multiple winning ads makes your ads EVEN BETTER.
It's like setting out to cook a meal, and all you have in your refrigerator are the finest gourmet ingredients - it's impossible to "mess up" because no matter what you end up with, it's built from the best stuff available.
And it's not just a "guess" from some "expert" about what will work - he studied the winners that the MARKET had picked, not some schmancy copywriter or marketing executive.
Like I said, he was brilliant. Me? I just took the silver dollar he gave me and ran off to buy baseball cards (or whatever my 10-year-old self was into).
But over 30 years later, I've discovered that my grandfather's advice remains "Golden" even after all this time.
Research and "reverse engineering" is even faster with online marketing. No more wasted summer afternoons fighting with colored paperclips and musty yellow print ads!
For instance, any company bidding on the same keyword phrase over multiple platforms daily for a month is HIGHLY LIKELY making money on those ads. The data is freely available on the web for all to see.
Likewise, their landing page will have elements you may never have considered. Follow Grandpa's advice and study numerous competitor landing pages, and you'll start to see patterns emerge.
You'll instantly see ways to squeeze into ANY market and TAKE market share from right under the competitor's noses. THEY have to hire costly teams of experts. YOU have to study what those experts come up with.
I told you it was a "shortcut" - and it won't just save you time, it will save you MONEY! Why? Because you concentrate on studying success instead of making your own mistakes.

(Plus, you'll discover that you can take "what works" in one market and literally "transplant" it into nearly ANY other market.)
This is how YOU can come out of nowhere and instantly become the market leader, and they'll think you're some kind of marketing genius.
So let me tell you more about how this "borrowed genius" of yours is going to work.
Don't Forget Why You Came Here To Begin With...
Writing Copy Can Suck.
Are you tired of:
- Staring at a blank screen, hoping inspiration will strike?
- Watching your competitors consistently outperform your landing pages?
- Wasting money on paid traffic that doesn't convert?
- Following outdated copywriting formulas that don't work anymore?
Now, instead of being frustrated, you'll be able to create the types of ads and offers you never thought you could. Here's a little taste:
- Create killer landing pages using effective elements you "reverse engineer" from your competitors' best campaigns. Swipe the stuff THEY use and make it better with your skill and the help of AI - it couldn't be simpler.
- Always be confident and correct tiny details that trip up most marketers, like colors, fonts, and layouts. Let the other guy re-invent the wheel or try to re-discover fire. All you need to do is look over his virtual shoulder and copy, paste, improve, and PROFIT.
- Perfectly match your copy to your product so that the message COMPELS your prospects to take action as if under a hypnotic spell. Your offers will be in sync and MAKE SENSE to your prospects. No longer will your ads and offers be ignored or forgotten!
- Completely Destroy writer's block - never again stare pathetically at a blank computer screen, wracking your brain for just one good idea. You will have all the best ideas at your fingertips!
- Construct killer headlines on demand - I say "construct" because you don't have to "write" one word. Take the headlines that are grabbing your market's attention and mix and match them like building blocks.
- Instantly erase any fear or doubt that you're "not a writer" and can't write sales copy or winning ads.

Are You Ready?
Kitchen Table Copy 2025

I have included a special bonus section on how to write Pre-Sales pages especially for ClickBank affiliates. ClickBank is one of the fastest ways for newbies to profit online, and I give you the best ways to not only succeed there, but to DOMINATE.
What about all those visitors who "bounce" and leave your landing page without buying? I show you how to create a non-spammy exit pop-up that will "rescue" anyone who has doubts about your offer and give you a second shot at making the sale.
It's all in a no-fluff 47-page PDF power-packed with specific examples. I don't need to write you a novel or over-explain every little detail (like "What Is The Internet"). Leave that stuff for OTHER ebooks. I get straight to the "meat and potatoes" that you need.
YOU can pick up THIS method and use it as early as today. I'm serious, it's that quick. I've taught it at live workshops and people have made money using these techniques before the event was even over.
Discover the secrets that make your competition successful and duplicate them - and even IMPROVE them in your own business.
It saves time, effort, and MONEY - and can be the difference between having an Internet Marketing HOBBY or having a real BUSINESS.
And listen, that's something I'll tell you over and over. Other IM teachers that call themselves "gurus" treat online business owners as consumers. I'm not about giving you little pieces here and there to keep you on the line for more and more semi-useful eBooks and courses.
I want you to have the WHOLE PACKAGE.
FACT #1:
Effective copywriting is only the start. You can't make ANY MONEY with a webpage that no one reads.
You also need traffic, which is why I put together a brand new workbook called the "On-Page Factors Guide" and bundled it with Kitchen Table Copy. This SEO handbook not only teaches you how to extract FREE traffic from Google, but ALL the search engines that matter.
Most SEOs and Webmasters don't want or even NEED the boring data that pads out most SEO tutorials. You just need practical information that will bring more traffic and more sales. Period.
That's why I said this was a workbook. I break it down and show you the problems you might face. Then I explain the solution so you can understand why it works. And then I just tell you what you need to do.
No hype. No theory.
No wasting your time.
FACT #2:
Traffic means nothing unless they want to spend money. One of the big "gotchas" of SEO is when you spend hours, days, weeks, or even months chasing a high-traffic keyword only to discover that those searchers aren't willing to spend a dime.
I show you how to pin-point the keywords that will not just bring the crowds, but will actually make money. Let the competition fight over the #1 spot for worthless search terms. You and I will happily go after the ones that MATTER.
Get the Kitchen Table Copy 2020 for just $27 Right Now.
Here's a peek at what's included:
SEO Quick Reference Cheat Sheet
Going nuts figuring out which techniques works in each search engine? Can't remember all the little details like how many characters of the Title tag get indexed? Don't worry! This "cheat sheet" gives you all the information you need, ready at-hand when you need it!
On-Page Factors Check List
It's well known that links (Off-Page Factors) are what drives ranking, but did you know that if you get the On-Page Factors wrong, you're wasting almost all the benefit of every single backlink you struggle to gain? Use this check list to make sure your pages are maximizing the value of every link you get.
The Title Tag
This misunderstood weapon has sunk more marketers than any other one I know. The secret: use your Titles to "sell the click" instead of for SEO purposes.
Write Title Tags how you would write a headline in AdWords (and don't worry because I show you exactly how I do it.)
Step-by-Step Site Audit
Troubleshooting time. Have your rankings recently dropped? Are you certain you should be ranking higher than you are, but don't know why you aren't? 99% of the time it's something simple. Go through my simple step-by-step site audit and fix the problem yourself WITHOUT hiring an expensive consultant.
Negative Ranking
No one likes to talk about it, but yes. It's true. There are techniques being taught by some SEOs that will actually cause you to drop in ranking.
Up until now, I've kept these to myself and let my competition make these mistakes. Now I break it down so even a total novice can avoid these dangerous pitfalls.
Top Myths About Google
You know that great tip about Google that you heard from some guy who read it on some blog? Chances are it isn't true. A lot of misinformation is spread about how to rank higher in the search engines and most of it is untested.
It's easy to make something up so you can have a blog post that day. It's even easier to repeat it. What's hard is testing, and almost NO ONE REALLY TESTS. But I do. I have 583 test domains and my team spends more than 60 hours per week analyzing the test data from these domains.
You get the guide for just
30-day 100% Money Back Guarantee
If you go to the movies and don't like what you see, they really don't want to give you a refund. After all, it's not like they can take back the movie, right? You can't un-watch it.
I'm not like that. :) You have 30 full days after you buy to read these ebooks, try the methods, and put them to the test in your own business. Heck, you could even use them to START a NEW business, even if you're a beginner at internet marketing.
If you decide that this material isn't worth every penny of the drastically discounted price you paid, just ask for a refund.
You get your money back AND you get to keep all the info - the risk is ENTIRELY mine, but I know that this is going to work for you because it's my best stuff. Or else I wouldn't offer it to you.
Right Here, Right Now.

Here's the full deal ...
- you get the Kitchen Table Copy guide, you get the SEO On-Page Factors Guide, with a full 30-day guarantee.
- Listen, this one-two combination has never been available before. In fact, the SEO guide was specially created to compliment Kitchen Table Copy so that you can have a solid foundation to rapidly start building your own business.
- You get the secrets of generating landing pages, copy, and ads that dependably, RELIABLY generate more sales.
- You get the real truth about how to tweak your sites for maximum organic traffic from ONLY the searchers that are looking to SPEND. That's traffic you can DEPEND on, too.
- Don't miss this opportunity to get this package deal, as after this short introductory period, I will begin charging full price for this package.
- Take advantage of this drastic discount today, and prove to yourself that inside you, no matter what your starting point - you are a KILLER copywriter and a KILLER SEO.
No one but you and me have to know the truth - that it's as easy as copy, paste - PROFIT!
Full 30-day 100% Money Back Guarantee
Not everyone wants to be a bad ass,
but if you do
This “dark arts” course is how the top affiliates and lead generators are beating you. If you want to get into “the dark arts” and build your own link empire, I run through that process too in the upsell offer.
And it’s 100% Risk-Free. If you think it sucks, you get a full refund. Period.
What sets me apart
- My ability to boost your business with real test data from "the field".
- I make the bulk of our money "in the field" as an affiliate and doing traffic arbitrage and not from selling information. I'm right there in the trenches working the same as you are.
- I don't depend on teaching this stuff for money. I teach people because I love helping people and it is my way to give back to the business community.
- My techniques actually work when applied to your business and your web sites. And I back this with a full 90-day guarantee.

Get Access... Why Wait?!?!
If you’re an entrepreneur, independent professional, affiliate or small business owner, find out what you have been missing…
- you get the Kitchen Table Copy guide, you get the SEO On-Page Factors Guide, with a full 30-day guarantee.
- Listen, this one-two combination has never been available before. In fact, the SEO guide was specially created to compliment Kitchen Table Copy so that you can have a solid foundation to rapidly start building your own business.
- You get the secrets of generating landing pages, copy, and ads that dependably, RELIABLY generate more sales.
- You get the real truth about how to tweak your sites for maximum organic traffic from ONLY the searchers that are looking to SPEND. That's traffic you can DEPEND on, too.
- Don't miss this opportunity to get this package deal, as after this short introductory period, I will begin charging full price for this package.
- Take advantage of this drastic discount today, and prove to yourself that inside you, no matter what your starting point - you are a KILLER copywriter and a KILLER SEO.
The only REAL thing left to ask is: How Effective Are the Methods? How do they work in the "Real World"? Simply Put: They just Kick Ass.
My information WORKS and it's GUARANTEED.
Get the Kitchen Table Copy 2020 for just $27 Right Now.
But you don't have to take mine or ANYONE'S word about ANY of this stuff. Let me PROVE it to you for 90 WHOLE DAYS. Try it ALL out for 90 Days. TEST THIS STUFF OUT and you'll prove it to yourself that it works.
But if during the first 90 Days you are somehow unsatisfied, all you have to do is let us know and you'll get a full refund. BUT I WILL NOT say "No Questions Asked."
I really mean it when I say this training is designed to make you an SEM MASTER. Anything less that that, and I've messed up.
So I reserve the right to ask you how I can do better if you're unhappy with any piece of "Kitchen Table Copy 2020". No answers required. :) Fair enough?
See you soon,