Motivation Factor Index Quiz
Motivation Factor Index Quiz
What Motivates You?
What has kept you from succeeding in your life and career? The following quiz is designed to help you identify what motivates you and target areas that may be holding you back. Often business success is not about having the right information about your industry; it is about having the right information about yourself.
While this quiz is designed to show you your strengths and weaknesses, you should focus on your strengths while UNDERSTANDING your weaknesses. Don't kid yourself into thinking you can make your biggest weakness your strength.
That's just garbage in my book.
By understanding and accepting your weaknesses, you can attract those who are strong in those areas while you focus on making your strengths even better. You can't be great in everything, those who think they can often wind up never reaching their potential.
Okay, let me review for you what the Motivation Factor Index (MFI) quiz is designed to:
- Find what motivates you
- Target areas that are holding you back
- Create an awareness to lead you to success

Ready to Begin Finding Your MFI?
Key Points to Remember:
- Each question or statement will have a series of comments or words for you to consider.
- You must assign a unique number for each comment according to your current preference and enter that number in the field provided. There can only be one 6, one 5, one 4 and so on for each question.
- Rating Scale: Six (6) is the most descriptive and one (1) the least descriptive of your preference
- Question 8 may appear different, but it isn't. Do not give each word its own number. Give each group its own number.
- There are no wrong answers and each question should be answered honestly.
If you have a business partner, have them take the survey as well. Be sure to take it individually and do not discuss your answers prior to or during the questionnaire. This is important for accurate results.
Motivation Factor Index Survey
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